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Fast Times at Sex Toy High….Prom (The High School We All Wish We Went To)

For the teens of the nation, prom is a wondrous time of the year, a night we fantasized about year after year until the big day finally arrived. Girls prepare by toasting their skin at the tanning salon. Guys search for zoot suits, matching fedoras and wingtip shoes worthy of a “Scarface” prop house. And parents freak out worry about their daughters getting pregnant and their sons contracting herpes.

Because at the end of the day (or in this case, night) we all know what happens when the prom night lights turn low. We all have sex! Awkward, nervous sex that all too often doesn’t include a condom – but The Screaming O is here to change history!

This year The Screaming O made its mark at the Fast Times at Sex Toy High Prom, with our product tester acting as head of the Prom Committee and in charge of providing the silliest, sexiest and most fun props to pose with in the photo booth.

The booth buzzed with vibrators, dildos, blow-up dolls, lubricant, feather boas and lots of glitter courtesy of fellow Prom Committee members Evolved Novelties, AVN, Fleshlight, Glow, Pjur, Wet and Spartacus.

Thanks to everyone for the memories – no really, thanks! If you remember most of the prom, chances are you didn’t have as much fun as we did!

Fast Times at Sex Toy High….Prom (The High School We All Wish We Went To)