Get Some Tail While You Tailgate!
Gear up for round 2 of The Ohio State University River Jam tailgate event and bring some friends because this weekend we’ll have sexy nurses (well…models dressed like nurses) to administer our safe sex message to thousands of Buckeye fans and Badger foes.
The Screaming O and the Association of Safe Fun Sex ( have joined Lion’s Den Adult Superstore once again to promote safe sex while rooting for the home team. Spend the weekend celebrating safe sex while playing with your (foot)balls at our interactive safe sex station stocked with complementary sex toys, free T-shirts, discount cards and more!
Plus this weekend we’ve upped the ante with a fun photo zone where fans can proclaim their love for safe sex while striking a pose. Take a pic with our safe sex nurses, share it with your friends, and help spread the word! These nurses are specially trained to administer our safe sex message with a smile – it won’t hurt one bit (unless you’re into that).
The Screaming O has been working with since 2008 to co-sponsor unique festivals, in-store promotions, and special events and spread a fresh and fun message that teaches what, when and how to make safe sex sexier than ever. This year we’re strapping on Spandex and shining our helmets to join Lion’s Den Adult Superstore to leave a lasting impression on the biggest cluster of football fans we’ve ever seen.
The River Jam tailgate event is free to all and open at noon until the end of the game with an 8 p.m. home game start time. Visitors to the Lion’s Den/ScreamingO/ booth will take home discount cards worth 20% off Screaming O items purchased within any Lion’s Den Adult Superstore location in central Ohio, as well as condoms, Screaming O Vibrating Rings, and all kinds of sexy free swag.