Rumors quickly were squashed by clarification that the glint of silver was actually from a penis piercing and NOT a cock ring (Kravitz has talked about it before) but questions still arose: Why would he wear a cock ring under his clothes? Aren’t cock rings meant for sex?
Well, yes! But there’s a lesser-known (but supremely awesome) benefit to strapping on a cock ring before a night on the town – especially if you’re going sans underwear. They make your junk look BIGGER.
Cock rings typically fit tight around the shaft and testicles right at the base. This constricting action can actually turn your package into a full-on bulge and the longer you wear it – as long as it feels comfortable and NOT painful! – the bigger everything will get. You won’t necessarily get a boner, but you’ll definitely look bigger below the belt. So pair a bulging package with tight leather pants à la Lenny Kravitz (maybe keep the undies on, though) and you’ll leave a lasting impression on your audience.
The more you know…