It’s that time of year when college coeds, teachers and anyone sick of the weather and 9-5 work week take a break from reality and head someplace warm, sometimes tropical, and always awesome. But how do you get through airport security without getting frisked and having your favorite sex toys confiscated forever?
Some recommend wrapping dildos in clothing or hiding them in shoes. Others insist on removing the batteries and packing vibrators with their toothbrushes. But there’s only one way to assure the TSA doesn’t leave http://gawker.com/5852669/tsa-agent-leaves-nice-note-in-passengers-luggage The Screaming O Studio Collection!
If James Bond used sex toys he’d have the entire set in the glove box of his Aston Martin. These mini vibes pack power in a compact shape, each cleverly disguised as ordinary cosmetics. So when TSA or some security nerd rifles through your bags, all they’ll see is some lipstick, mascara and makeup stuff and no one will bat an eyelash.
Now go pack The Studio Collection along with your bikinis, aspirin, condoms and tanning oil and be prepared for a worry-free, fun-filled and sun-soaked Spring Break courtesy of The Screaming O. You deserve it!