These aren’t just stripper events people – which means you can bring your chick(s) or whomever to the bar and pretend you didn’t know there were going to be a group of well-endowed, scantily clad dancers on the stage.
“Wow, honey, look! They do that here? Who’d a thunk?”
They do contests to see who can fake the best orgasm, who can make the best O-face, and who can ride each other and be the sexiest cowgirl in the room. Prizes are always tossed out, and they even have a top name in the exotic dancing circuit headlining each event.
Schevelle (if you haven’t heard of her, two words: Google Images) is an award-winning showgirl and entertainer, and her swiveling and bouncing has gotten her two nominations for “Entertainer of the Year” by Exotic Dancer Magazine.
That’s like Food & Wine Magazine nominating your grilled cheese and ham sandwiches as the best in the nation. It’s kind of a big deal, and definitely delicious.
They’ve even hosted a couple on college campuses, and have a safe sex theme to make the faculty OK with it…and as a result give away free condoms and vibrators.
Heck yes, teach me anything. Just don’t forget my gift bag.