There’s an organization out there, of whose existence of may be unaware, which spends much of its time working with Congress and local lawmakers to protect your freedom to enjoy and express yourself.
It’s the Free Speech Coalition, kids (aka the FSC.) Write it down. Donate even – they might save your porn stash one day.
But aaanyway, we bring up the FSC’s awesomeness because The Screaming O was recently honored by being named their 2009 Novelty Business of the Year. That’s quite an honor coming from them!
And no one sums up the honor quite like The Screaming O’s Justin Ross, who accepted the award with his parents in the audience.
“We are grateful to accept this award from an organization that has done so much to protect the industry we work in,” Ross said. “It’s not always easy when you tell your parents that you want to quit your career and sell cockrings with your buddy out of a garage.”
Then he introduced his parents to the audience with a big grin.
Well said, Mr. Ross. And we thank organizations like The Free Speech Coalition for protecting our right to use our garages to sell cockrings, make lube and make people blush.