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Report: Sex On a Memory Foam Mattresses is Less Satisfying

sex on a memory foam

Barron’s online  reports that sales of memory foam mattresses have skyrocketed in the last decade with profit margins rising 20 percent in just eight years. And it makes sense – have you ever slept on one? The dense material molds to your body and, without the use of springy squeaky coils, offers your butt, hips and back the kind of support that only a solid bear hug once could.

But peruse the review sites online and you’ll find that fans of sexy times aren’t as gung-ho about Tempur-Pedics and their emulators. Why? Cuz while the material is malleable and soft under your body, it completely messes with your motion when you and your partner are ready to get it on with a nice deep thrust session.

The firmness of a regular mattress offers a necessary leverage that makes it easier to dig your knees in and pump, and the more you sink into the foam mattress’ lasting memory, the more you miss out on the nice “bounce” that can make the sex feel better.

Some reviewers even liken having sex on memory foam to fornicating on a ball of clay! Oof!

For those of you who’ve already dropped a few grand on that fancy European memory foam but don’t want to miss out on a satisfying sex life, don’t worry – The Screaming O is here!

Our collection of mini vibes, couples sex toys, cock rings and relationship tools are designed to be used and used again anywhere you go! All of our toys are compact and discreet enough to carry in a glove box, pocket or handbag so you can carry them with you when you need a break from your boring bed.

And our waterproof bullets, fingertip vibes, Octopus tickler, and more vibrate powerfully even under water – so when your bed won’t cut it, try the shower, bathtub or a secluded section of the beach!

Report: Sex On a Memory Foam Mattresses is Less Satisfying