It’s no secret that sex is good for our health. Aside from bigger smiles, boosts in self-confidence, and endorphin rushes, orgasms have a variety of health benefits that go deeper (way deeper) than the obvious. And there are direct correlations between orgasms and breast cancer prevention, which is as mind-blowing as it is amazing. So do it and do it all the time – in the name of health, of course!
Among other hormones, orgasms release a neurotransmitter called oxytocin, which is responsible for a slew of incredible effects – pain relief, intense joy and stress-relief to name a few. But this powerful and important hormone also has been attributed to the delay in development of breast cancer cells. In 1994, a team of scientists in Italy performed a study that involved treating breast cancer cells in mice and rats with oxytocin and measuring each cell’s reaction. The results showed a measurable link between the “love hormone” and inhibited breast cancer cell growth – an exciting, though unexpected, effect!
The body releases a lingering flood of oxytocin along with every orgasm, so naturally, we’ve added “do it daily” to our breast cancer prevention best practice list. But sometimes having an orgasm isn’t so easy – and that’s what we’re here for. Here are 3 things that will make O-faces come a little easier:
One of the many amazing abilities of the female body is self-lubrication. Sometimes, women get turned on like a faucet, creating their own wet wonderland between their legs and facilitating some incredibly pleasant sex action. Other times, they could use a little slickness assistance, and that’s where lube comes in.Lubricant was created not to fix a problem or facilitate some kind of kinky fetish (though it certainly fulfills both of those roles, if you want to get technical); it’s here to protect our delicate and beloved lady parts from the discomfort of dryness – and make sex feel so so so much better! Any amount of dryness “down there” can cause unwanted friction that can make intercourse feel uncomfortable and even painful. Try adding lube (even if you don’t think you need it) and see how it helps the sexual experience!
And for the solo folks, lubricant can transform an ordinary masturbation experience into something very special – and for many women, help make it easier to have an orgasm. Most women experience pleasure from stimulating their clitorises and adding lubrication can transform the sensation into a smooth glide across sensitive skin. And adding lube to the nipples heightens the feeling of touch and can get you even closer to the big O. Practice makes perfect, so stock up and start rehearsing!
The brain is the most important sex organ, especially for women, and if it’s not focused on the task at hand, there’s a good chance that orgasms won’t come easily. But with so much going on in our lives every day, it can be tough to just turn it all off – and that’s how meditation can help. Even just a few minutes dedicated to clearing and calming the mind can make a world of difference in the sex department.
Try this: lie on your back with your eyes closed. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Count how many seconds it takes to fill up your lungs and then exhale in the same amount of time. 1…2…3…4…keep that up, in and out, until all you’re focused on is breathing. Try challenging yourself with slower, deeper breaths and see how long it takes for your heartbeat to slow and your mind to mellow out. You’ll be amazing at how quickly it can work – and how fast it can help you get in the mood to get busy!
Some women didn’t have their first orgasm until they discovered vibrators. Sex toys like these take the strenuous work out of self-love and give your fingers (or whatever home-made tools you might be using) a break. And thanks to technological advancements, you can find vibrators that massage, tickle, tease and intensely stimulate wherever you put them with multiple speeds and various functions.
Start small – mini vibes are portable, compact, easy to use and often cost a lot less than their more advanced counterparts. Once you feel what you like (and what you don’t), you can shop around for the perfect sex toy that’ll help you get closer to orgasm every time you try.
Orgasms can be a challenge, but they don’t always have to! Use one (or all!) of our tips and get ready to release that O all day long – oxytocin, that is! You’ll feel lighter and brighter knowing you’re doing your body good in so many more ways than one. Hooray for good health!